Thursday, January 14, 2010

Coupon Luv is Helping Haiti

Coupon Luv is going to help out Haiti by donating toiletry items.  I have scored lot's of free toiletry items by using coupons and this has often allotted me another way to give back to local shelters, churches, and others  in the DC Metro area that could use these items.  I began donating toiletery items last year and many organizations have been extremely greatful for my donations. So not only have coupons helped me to save money, but they also have allowed me to give back to the community. 

If you can, please consider giving to assist Haiti in their time of need.  The following are ways you can donate to disaster relief efforts: (or text "YELE" to 501501)

Also, there will be a Survival Kit Drive THIS Sunday, January 17, 2010 from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m at the Embassy of the Republic of Haiti located at 2133 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20008.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 718-755-0119 or Meme at 202-904-9070. 

The following items are requested:
Baby Formula
Baby Wipes
Baby Bottles
Baby Clothes
Toiletries (Shampoo, Soap, Tooth paste)
Hand Sanitizer
First aid Kits
Over the counter medications
Mosquito repellent
Flip Flops
T-shirts, Pants, Lightweight Jackets
Non-pershiable food items that are not in cans (Ex. sealed packs of tuna or sardines)

There are dozen of more items; this is just a starter list.  Think of flat, light weight items that can be packaged and shipped easily. 

I am so happy and blessed to be able to help out Haiti in some way! 

Please feel free to forward this message to others.  Let's spread the word!

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